My husband and I had been talking about and researching large cabin style nylon tents. One day I came across a picture of a bell tent on Pinterest and fell in love with its romantic canvas style. I dreamed of someday camping in one but never dared imagine I might own one! Well it turns out my husband thought they were pretty impressive too. I found the above note inside my Valentines Day card this year. He had ordered one from
It arrived less than a week later. I have not been so happily surprised and excited since he proposed or since the times we found out I was pregnant! Like each of those events it meant we were embarking on a new chapter of our lives. Now with this gift of a beautiful bell tent from my love comes the beginning of many family camping adventures!
Liberty Bell
5/17/2012 03:15:47 am

This sounds so cool, I can't wait to hear more about your adventures

5/20/2012 05:59:28 am

Love it!!

5/22/2012 06:57:45 am

So excited to follow your adventures!

7/18/2012 05:47:52 am

what size is that beastie?

Lalania Knowlton
7/19/2012 06:45:05 am

Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. It is 16.5ft (5 metre).It is the Soul Pad 5000 hybrid. We love it!

7/23/2012 11:45:53 pm

driving myself mad over whether to buy the 4m or 5m for a family of 4


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